Electric Throttle Actuator

Electric Throttle Actuator

ZHAOWEI Electric Throttle Actuator utilizes a gearbox transmission mechanism connected to a position sensor. This electronic control device transmits signals regarding the depth and speed of the throttle to adjust its tension, as well as features large torque, fast respond and long service life.

      Electric Throttle Actuator

Large Torque: Relying on the innovative design of the motor and gearbox, this product can output larger torque in the limited space.

Fast Respond: The use of high power motors and the optimization of the linear transmission enable the throttle actuator to acquire a faster respond speed and improve work efficiency.

long Service Life: Since the product development stage, ZHAOWEI has been taking product service life and performance into account. By the research of the materials, transmission design and manufacture process and the combination with the brushless motors, this product can acquire a longer service life, as well as adapt to a more demanding temperature of the work environment.

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